Where is the "Care" in Healthcare coverage?

Today I found out that my significant other was denied heath insurance by Blue Cross Blue Shield. Their reasoning about this was that she was to high of a risk. To high of a risk?!? What kind of risk? Are they afraid that she is going to come down with some kind of life threatening illness? Are they afraid that she will not be able to pay her premiums? That cannot be the case. She has had coverage for years and has never had anything major happen. She has always paid what she was expected to. So, again, what kind of risk? It is not as if she is going to break the bank.

Yet, there it is isn't it. She may break the bank. Oh, I am sure that Blue Cross Blue Shield will say that she is to much of a health risk. But what they are really saying is this: "We don't what to pay what you may cost us", "We're afraid that you will cut into our profits". This is the reason that is underlying all the horrible problems that this country has in its healthcare system. Why millions of hard working American cannot get coverage. Why people are forced into going to the ER rather then going to a primary doctor. That horrific problem is money, and the loss of "care" in the insurance system.

Yes, I said it, Money. Rather then doing what would be the right and noble thing, insurance companies are so worried about the bottom line and profits that they would drop or simply deny coverage to individuals that are otherwise healthy. Some people, mostly those on the right of the political issue, will say that we have the best system in the world. But I really have to ask, what kind of delusinal world do they find themselves where it is okay that millions of Americans should go without the basic needs of life? Well, I have an answer to that: they live in a capitalist self delusional world in which healthcare for profit somehow does the best for everyone. Well, simply put, they are far from being correct on that. And that mistake is dangerously close to being willfully ignorant, or just plan stupid.

The other problem, which finds its origin in the above problem, is the lack of care that has moved insidiously into the healthcare system. I am not talking about the doctors, while they do hold some of the burden, I am talking again about the insurance system. A system that started for the purpose of making sure everyone would be able to see a doctor when they are sick, has turned into a system that no longer cares about the well being of their customers. Or, if they do care, they only care enough about that well being to the point where the person is costing the company to much money. Which leads to individuals being denied coverage, or denied life saving procedures all because the company does not care about the person and are only focused on what it will cost them. So no, they do not care about you, as they should, they care about money.

If these two problems are not enough for people to wake up and realize that the system is totally broken, then there are many others that are to numerous to list here. I honestly must question the rational capabilities of the those on the right, those who believe for profit companies are the best answer to this problem. I must also ask with all sincerity about the ethical and moral capabilities of those that support the system that is in place. It is clear to me, and I have no doubt to all people who are clear in reason, clear in logic, and clear in ethics and morals, that the system that we have is not based off of the reason, logic, ethics or morality, that leads all good and noble people to do the right thing. Rather it is based off of a self diluted, willfully ignorant, greedy, uncaring ideal that leads people to think that the capitalization of healthcare is the best way to go.


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