
Showing posts from February, 2011


So back in November I made the big decision to start back up with my campaign. It was a big step in the right direction and it felt good to be able to get back on the horse. Sadly, as comes with living in the real world, I wasn't able to get it going again. My players were really happy and all ready to start up again with their shinny knew 4E versions of there characters. But, as I said, the real world decided that it had more interesting plans for me. Needless to say, my players were not to happy. And once again I had to explain how sorry I was and that as soon as things started to fall back into place we would play. For me this was a really big hit. I was really looking forward to getting my feet wet again and it was exciting. For me it had been way to long, as anyone that read that blog from November would know. Well the world, at least for now, is starting to make a little more sense. And I really do have very big hopes that I will be able to start up on the campaign yet again.

Last Semester & Philosophy Future

As the last semester of university comes to an end I have been wondering what I will do with my philosophical readings and writings. I realize that I don't want to give up on my writings. And while I have found some outlet for those writings, the kind of peer review that you get in an university setting will no longer be within arms reach. With this revelation in mind I have been trying to think of a way that I can keep that kind of interaction alive. I have no idea if there is a philosophy group in my area, and surely I will be going out to look for one, but I still feel like the is something more that I could be doing. So with that In mind I think that I may, or at least try, to form a philosophy group myself. The premise of this group will simply be to have a venue for people to talk, get there ideas out, and generally be able to have a community that they can be a part of that is focused around that philosophical part of themselves that is otherwise looked at strangely by other