Wilderness and Quiet

So today I decided that I was in need to get out of town and into the mountains for a little bit. The weather has been nice and I've been planning on doing something like this for about a week or so but just didn't have the time to do it. For that matter I've been trying to get out into the mountains from months now, like since the summer, but through all fault of my own I never made the time. Shame on me.

So with this intention in mind I finally did what I've been meaning to do for a while. I packed up myself, a few books to read, my Fivefinger, which wasn't all that hard to pack since they were already on my feet, and headed east of town. After traveling along Happy Jack Road for a while and only finding still snowed in areas I finally found a nice road to drive down in the Pole Mountain area turn off. After just driving down the road a ways I found a good place to park and walked over a few hills till I found a nice little place to sit down, read, and just quiet of the mountains.

I sat for a while and was enjoying myself and the serene quiet nicely. As I was sitting looking around while taking a break from my reading I began to head gun shots. Not just a few but a lot. Where they were coming from I'm sure I can guess, but needless to say it was very sudden and annoying.

Now I get that in this day and age it is difficult to go anywhere and not see or hear a car or truck. I even get that in this part of the county there are going to be gun ranges in of towns. But what I don't get is the amount of toys people seem to need these days to enjoy nature. They bring their ATV's, their snow mobiles, their campers and Rv's, but what they don't seem to bring is a desire to just enjoy nature for what it is. I seems that people have forgot how to just sit and listen to nature, there's a lot to hear if you just take the time.

So this is my call to people, leave home your ATV's, your Snow mobiles, your campers and RV's, and please leave behind you guns. In sort, leave your toys at home. Turn off, unplug, open your eyes and ears and take a walk. You'll be amazed at what there is to see and hear if you just take a moment to enjoy nature for what it is.


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