Dangerous Paths

Dangerous Paths 
For many years this nation has be wandering down a dangerous path. It has bet against its future for the now. It has placed the few above the many. All in the name of holding to a weak and narrow minded point of view. The view that is founded on a philosophy that people will always do what is best for them and those around them. A philosophy that people are naturally good an will be just to their fellow man. 
This view is one that is shared by many, sadly it is not the case in reality. The falsity of the view, and the philosophy behind it, is made all the more clear when it is combined with the economic principles that are held by those that tout the view. These people, with their high ideals of man and it goodness, want to also tout the principles of Capitalism. A system that flies in the face of the natural goodness that is the core of their social views.
Capitalism does not support the philosophy that the touters try to claim it does. Rather, Capitalism pits man against man. It is the Natural goodness in them, if it is even there to start with, against mans natural Greed. Capitalism strives for more; more money, more goods, more everything. It targets the few toward greatness at the cost of the many. It always acts opposite to the philosophy that its supporters propound. 
It is these conflicting ideals, Capitalistic greed verses the supposed goodness of man, that has dragged this nation down. It is those that attempt, attempt and fail, to unify the conflict of ideals that have pushed our nation down this dangerous path. We simply cannot continue down this path. We can not afford to blindly follow those that propound a conflict of ideals that only leads to our downward slide. 
So what are we to do if we cannot stay the path we are on? We must rid ourselves of the conflict that is dragging us downward. We must chose, do we hold the belief that we are all naturally good and develop a system that supports that view truly; or do we embrace Capitalism fully and suffer the consequences of that choice? 
In the former we would be forced to drop Capitalism by the way side. Or at least we would be forced to revamp it into something that supports the many, the whole of people. We would be forced to admit that Capitalism, as it stands, is a system that is contrary to the good of all. We would be forced awake, as if from a delusion, and see the dangerous road that we have been following.  
Yet perhaps that awakening is a is a dream. Perhaps to hope for it is a delusion in its own right. That Americans have for to long been Greedily sustained by Capitalism's suckling teat, is a reality that may have to be accepted. That acceptance, though, is like a cancer, if left unchecked will eventually kill. One must always be vigilant against acceptance from despair and a lack of hope, (both which come hand in hand with Capitalism and merely hidden behind the guise of consumerism), else the body should be taken over and welcome the killing blow. 
We, then, must not turn aside from those things that are hard. Aside from those thing that threaten our hope and joy for betterment. We must fight against them. We must not accept the words of the touters, for they are what will eventually break our hope and joy. Their ideals, those that lead to the dangerous path, are not unlike a cancer if accepted and left unchallenged. If left to its own, Capitalism, much like the cancer, will lead down that dangerous path and to an untimely death.
The death that comes will strike at the heart. Strike at the core of our society. It will cripple as it slowing kills the body of the society. The people that are that body. And only then, will the touters be show to be charlatans, and all will have wished that they had turned off the Dangerous Path.


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