Barefoot Running

So today I decided to run a Goggle search for barefoot running just to see what came up. And much to my surprise this site came up:

The person who writes the blog is clearly someone who does not like barefoot running, or even the idea of it, at all. While I have not read through all of the post, the author has a major vendetta against all these related to barefoot running. One of the author biggest complaints is that there is completely no evidence for the claims that barefoot make for the positive aspects of running barefoot. This is very funny to me since you can go to your local book store and find all kinds of magazines and books that have those very studies in them. But this is clearly been over looked by the author, most likely to insure that his/her agenda is fulfilled. This can be seen by the fact that one is not able to comment on any of the blogs posts. Could it be that the author of those posts is in fear of being contradicted with evidence against his/her view. Make you wonder about the credibility of the blog altogether.

Now the author does site many studies on the site and I am not attacking those at all. I'm very sure that they have as much credibility as those that have been done by those groups that the author does not what to admit have done them.

I have one big questions about this person blog? How did a blog that has only been around since January get to be the number one search with Google? I think the answer to this must be that the author is being sponsored by a shoe company or some kind of shoe lobby. If this is not the case then so be it. But the nature of the blog is questionable at best.


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