
Showing posts from 2016

Philosophical Assumptions & Comment

In preparing my next post, 'The Moral Vote', it occurred to me that at the root of my conversations I will draw upon language that may not be universal. The philosophical language of ethics, political theory, epistemology, etc., may not be widely understood by all readers.  Wherefore, with a desire to remain as concise as possible, I have made the decision to not define, in brief or otherwise, the terms and language that will be used throughout these posts. To that end I will make the assumption the language is understood. In those instances where it is not, I take that it is for the reader to acquaint ones self with those terms that are not understood. Comment: It is often tempting to feel the deep passion of a news event and have the desire to comment on it as soon as possible. I am not immune to the pull of these passions. Assuredly, I have made many rants elsewhere concerning my joy or displeasure about an event. Here I will endeavor to avoid such comments. 


How does one begin to share ones thoughts onto the world? Moreover, how does one reengage where once one had done so for some time but halted? Slowly, it would seem. So too with deliberance. With slow deliberance then I shall begin once more to lay down my thoughts, beliefs, passions, and to do so as logically as I can.  This, the logical development of things, is the most important. It is also which requires slow deliberance. I could, as many do, simply rail against the misgivings of the world. Stream as one gone mad in desperate hope of finding sense of the world. No. Surely this will not, and should not, do. Least of all given the mad political world in which we find ourselves of late.  It is to that now I wish to only speak briefly. I do so as merely a preamble to what may come in future, slow, deliberate, posts: On 8 November 2016 this nations body politic placed into its presidency a man that possess all the hallmarks of a racist. All the trappings of a bigot and sex