
Showing posts from November, 2013

Lindeman's Intelligent and Good Individual

*What follows is a write up that I did for one of my grad classes concerning a number of claims that Eduard C. Lindeman makes in his book "The Meaning of Adult Education". I don't claim for it to be authority, or exactly what Lindeman means by his claims, but I do believe that what I have written is a good explanation of some of the implications for the claims that he makes and doesn't defend.* While reading “The Meaning of Adult Education” I ran into a number of major claims made by the author that I believe needed to be clarified and expounded upon. In the first paragraph on page 17 Lindeman makes a number claims that need to be unpacked. These claims will go on to have a profound effect on the rest of the book. Although a few pages before Lindeman tell us what intelligence ‘is’, we don’t find out what makes an intelligent person until pages 16 and 17. It is to these points that I’d like to address. First, “The person who knows what he wants to do and why i

Sociological Ethics

So this is a draft of a piece that I have been working on for a while now on and off. It's not complete yet, and it may not be complete for some time, but it is a view that I believe is the best explanation for ethical and moral views. Enjoy and any comments are welcome. If there is something in this piece that you would like to use feel free to do so, but please site it properly. Thank you.   Sociological Ethics by Larry N. Wagner Master of Adult and Post Secondary Education (on going), University of Wyoming Bachelor of Philosophy, University of Wyoming (draft 23 November 2013  ©2013) Contents Introduction 3 Theoretical Bases 3 Philosophical Bases 3 Sociological Bases 4 Social Contract 4 Ethics from Individual 5 Ethics from Society 6 Justice 7 Laws as Ethic 7 Education of the Social Ethic (Updated 23 Nov. 2013) Introduction Over the course of history there has been much discussion across the academic world about Sociological