
Showing posts from March, 2013

Alienation from Self Creation

The entrepreneurial spirit has lead to a world of wondrous creations. Great individuals with great minds have advanced the world to horizons hitherto unforeseen. When the individual puts ones life into a thing it takes on a quality and a value that enriches the individual. One should revel in ones creation. One should allow what is created to be a defining factor in life. When one allows that to happen, the individual is elevated and made greater then otherwise. Yet, there is a cancer that infects this relation. A loss of self creation. When one dominates the labor of another to create what is of ones own invention, that which is created is cheapened and worth less. It looses it power to make its maker greater. Worse yet the individual can no longer feel the joy of creation; one is alienated from the creation. When an individual no longer creates that which comes from ones own invention, that joy that was felt in creation is replaced by something of far less worth. Namely, the mere m