
Showing posts from November, 2011

Questions for Christians

While laying in bed an interesting question came to me that I would like to put toward Christians: "Why would a all loving, all powerful, perfect being create such imperfect species? Why, too, would that being then require those imperfect creatures to worship it with unwaveringly devotion with the intention of then rewarding that devotion with a place in heaven? If that being we're truly all loving, then wouldn't it have just made created those beings in heaven? Heaven is meant to be a reward for faith. That reward is given by God. Yet it is also God that created the beings that will be rewarded for faith. To be rewarded for faith one must have the chance not to have faith. So God created imperfect beings. Yet what kind if reward is it when your own creator has made you flawed for the soul purpose of faith, and then to reward you for it? And does God take pity on his own creations? Yes, thusly giving the reward for faith. This is all very confusing. It seems insane t