
Showing posts from May, 2010

Other... Thoughts

Among the many things that I enjoy, which include philosophy and sociological theory, I also am a very big nerd. Well, not as big as some, I do in fact have a girlfriend, which will soon be much more then that. But thats not what I'm here to talk about, nerdiness is the topic and roleplaying is the game. As part of that game have begun, well many years ago, building my own campaign world. It was adopted from a world that a few friends and I worked on in high school. Recently I've decided that to make the world a whole lot more rich that I would start writing poetry for it. Things have gone pretty good and it also seems to add a fun flare to the games as well. For fun I've decided to share them with the world. I have spent a good amount of time on these so I'd like it if no one stole them, thanks! With that said then, here is one I just finished. Urtoth Golden Fields and Golden Trees Golden Streams and Golden Leaves Golden Roads and Golden Homes All for the Eyes to See O

Semester, Over

Finally my semester and school year is over with. Finished the last of my papers this morning and mailed it off to the prof. Now all I have to do is find a job. Hmmm... easier said then done it think.